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Thursday 28 July 2016


I have this in my home it surrounds your home in a positive harmonic energy and the field extends
5 feet out from the walls. It doesn't need electricity to work.
This is just one of the new technologies coming forth

It will completely transform your house. For instance, if you had gone to the store and bought some vegetables that had been sprayed with toxic chemicals, in 2 days they would become organic. The chemicals will have been neutralized completely. Say you have a carrot and it’s in the ground. There’s a certain amount of energy in that carrot. When you take it out of the ground it loses energy. Once you start cutting it and cutting and cutting it, it will lose more energy. You can take one piece of that carrot and leave it in your house on something I’m going to explain in a minute, and it will go back to exactly the same state that it was in the ground. Once you get this plug, plug it in and then plug your cell phone into another outlet in your house and let it charge up. That frequency will then be transferred into your cell phone. Now you can use your cell phone as a helping hand in doing vegetables or anything else because the cell phone will now do in 3 minutes what it would take the Plug to do in 3 days. For instance, if you have your vegetables you’ve brought back from the store and you have a little platform you can have your cell phone under, and you put the vegetables on it, you can leave it there for a half an hour, whatever you wish. It will neutralize everything there instantaneously. Now you can put it in the fridge. Done! But remember, if it’s being done by the plug, it takes 2 days. Now this was discovered about coffee. Most people believe coffee is a nice drink. It is. It’s very good. I drink it myself every day. But when the Plug goes into a house, the only thing I have ever found that does not go according to the spin that it should is coffee. It takes 2 days to change the coffee to a spin of positive energy. Now what I understand, way, way, way, way, way back, coffee was banned in Europe for this particular reason. This is going back a long time.

Also I was told that medicine started in the early days with two ways of curing. One was chemical and the other was color. Color was tossed aside and medicine came through. What this energy is,  comes from a color, and I think it comes from those times.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Healing with Scaler Energy - interview Tom Paladino

Harnessing Tesla's Scaler Energy Healing Applications
Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher and has 25 plus years experience helping people with chronic pathogenic illness. So far, Tom's work with scaler energy has dismantled over 175,000 pathogens which contribute to illness. Listen in to this amazing show and learn about this exciting new energy that is available for the first time on the planet! scalar energy is also known as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero point energy, qi, orgone. After years of experimentation and modification, he developed a technique using scalar energy that will transmute pathogens quickly and painlessly.

Friday 1 July 2016

Try 15 Days Remote Scalar Healing
Registration Link

The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse disassembles and eradicates over 400,000 species of pathogens, such as, viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoan. You will be treated for the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse on a daily basis.

Friday 22 April 2016



The Flower People from the Hollow Earth April 2016


 April 2016 Monthly Channeling, Copyright © Dianne Robbins

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Guarana Energy Coconut Water